Hidden Histories – East Wall Friday 29th June
Despite a day of uncertain weather – with one’s head being continuously being beaten down on by torrential rain or scorching sun – we had a nice evening for the history walk. Hosted by Caitriona Ni Cassaithe, the tour set off from the school , and nearly 90 minutes later finished up in Strangford Gardens . Along the way we learned about the origins of the area, the location of Clontarf Island, the story of the school and its neighbour the Seabank House, where many of the streets got their names from and we recalled some of the shops and employers now long gone. We got to hear about some of the people who Eastwallers remember with great fondness, including from our more recent history, such as Joe Teeling . The tour was an interactive event, with participants having an opportunity to ask questions and contribute. Tommy Moran took the opportunity to describe “swimming at the Wharf” and also providing details of the great lego fire of 1970.
The attendance was a good cross section of age groups, with one woman travelling from Rathfarnham to find out about our area.