Daily Archive: June 14, 2020

Jun 14

“Kick over the statues” – the rise and fall of Edward Colston


(Illustration : Banksy) Bristol-born Edward Colston (1636-1721) was a leading profiteer and organiser of the English slave trade in the late seventeenth Century. Predicated upon his philanthropy, during the Victorian era, Colston was reinvented by Bristol’s business elite as a ‘merchant prince’ and ‘moral saint’ effectively becoming the City’s father.  The Countering Colston (CC) campaign …

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Jun 14

“Matt Talbot, James Joyce, and a very different Pint of Plain.”

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Take a walk on the Joyceside of Dublin’s Docklands in a pre-Bloomsday contemplation of two iconic Dubs. They both have their own statue, they both have bridges named after them , and both men had a deep understanding and experience of the darker side of Docklands culture . Hugo McGuinness will deliver a 15 minute …

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