

Jun 14

“Kick over the statues” – the rise and fall of Edward Colston


(Illustration : Banksy)

Bristol-born Edward Colston (1636-1721) was a leading profiteer and organiser of the English slave trade in the late seventeenth Century. Predicated upon his philanthropy, during the Victorian era, Colston was reinvented by Bristol’s business elite as a ‘merchant prince’ and ‘moral saint’ effectively becoming the City’s father. 

The Countering Colston (CC) campaign was launched in 2015 to challenge these perceptions, uncover his real history and to oppose the celebration, commemoration and memorialisation of Edward Colston. Since then, many dominos have fallen, including his statue a few days ago.

Roger Ball of CC will briefly outline the history of the campaign and the questions it raised about who should and should not be celebrated in Bristol’s memorial landscape.

Join us for the latest presentation in our on-line series “Short stories and Tall tales”

Thursday 18th June @ 8pm 

ZOOM invitation :


Guest Speaker: Roger Ball of Bristol Radical History Group and Countering-Colston .

He is also the author of several books on aspects of Bristol history . His most recent publication , co-authored with Mark Steeds is “From Wulfstan to Colston -Severing the sinews of slavery in Bristol”.

Roger and Mark were guest speakers at the Sarah Lundberg Summer School 2018 at the Sean O’Casey Theatre.



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