Category Archive: Sean O’Casey Theatre

Oct 12

“It Runs in the Family” : 16th – 20th October 2018


Sep 09

“Take away our hearts o’ stone…” – Powerful Sean O’Casey monologues performed in New York

Abbey actress Sara Allgood , the original Juno .

“It’ll have what’s far better- it’ll have two mothers” Sean O’Casey is one of Ireland’s most famous playwrights , with his major works being as compelling today as when they were first performed almost a century ago. His most memorable characters are based on real life Dubliner’s he knew and observed , including many from  …

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Sep 04

Sean O’Casey Festival 2018 : September 11th – September 21st


Sean O’Casey is recognized as one of Ireland’s greatest playwrights . He lived for 30 years of his life in East Wall and the North Docks , at Hawthorn Terrace and Abercorn Road. It was here that he lived through an exciting period in Irish history , and witnessed momentous events. But more importantly it …

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Aug 16

Sean O’Casey Festival 2018


Jul 16

“The Wild Fox Cabaret” returns : July 20th 2018


Jun 12

“Love Liberty – Hate Slavery”: Dublin’s abolition movement in the 19th century

Richard Allen , Dublin abolitionist

“Tell every man that you do not understand liberty for the white man, and slavery for the black man; that you are for liberty for all, of every color , creed and country” Richard Allen was born in 1803 at Harold’s Cross, which was then a rural area of Dublin. The family were part of …

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Jun 03

At the Sean O’Casey Theatre – June 2018

The Importance of Being Earnest

As usual there is a very exciting mix of events at the Sean O’Casey Theatre this month . Here are just some of them . First up is a classic: Next up is “Hubris” a Dublin based drama on how the wrong decisions made in the past can lead to the entrapment of your …

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May 23

East Wall pro-wrestler in action next week (June 1st & 2nd)


Next weekend local wrestling superstar Darren Kearney will be in action . On Friday he is back on his home turf at the Sean O’Casey Community Centre. His last appearance here saw him and his partner (‘More Than Hype’) winning the Irish tag-team titles. Friday will be their first title defense. And on Saturday you …

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May 13

“Ireland and the African slave trade” – Exciting conference at Sean O’Casey Theatre

The abolition of the slave trade

On Saturday the 23rd June the East Wall History Group & the Alternative Visions Oral History Group will host the 2018 Sarah Lundberg Summer School. Each year the event is held in honour of our friend and colleague Sarah Lundberg, an Archivist, Historian and publisher who tragically passed away four years ago. This is a …

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May 13

Sean O’Casey Festival – Auditions and workshops

Sean O'Casey Culture Night

The Sean O’ Casey Theatre will be the venue for a festival celebrating Sean O’ Casey, his life and works in September 2018. Planning is in place as part of the festival for community productions of Sean O’Casey Plays including one of the ‘classics’ and a selection of Short plays . Do you want to …

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