Category Archive: Sean O’Casey Theatre

Sep 03

Sean O’Casey Festival 2022 – Fantastic line up of theatre & music events

killing soc


Sep 02



Driving New York Crazy for 40 years … … NEXT STOP DUBLIN ! John McDonagh is a radio host, a member of Irish American Writers & Artists (IAW&A), and has been driving a NYC yellow cab for nearly four decades. This occupation has provided the raw material for his critically acclaimed one man show. Directed …

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Sep 02

“Dublin Ghosts” – An evening with Pete Holidai and Tony St Ledger ( with very special guest Phelim Drew)



Jun 09

“NOTHING TO LOSE BUT OUR CHAINS” : Revolutionary trade unions, women workers and International solidarity (Summer School 2022)

Summer School 2022

The Sarah Lundberg Sumer School 2022 , focusing on Revolutionary trade unions, women workers and international solidarity is taking place on Saturday 11th June at the Sean O’Casey Theatre, East Wall . All welcome to this FREE event .   SCHEDULE OF TALKS , DRAMA and PRESENTATION: 11.30 am – Tea & Coffee for early …

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Sep 18

“O’Casey in the estate – Ploughing on” / Culture Night 2020 (Available now)

This collection was created for Culture Night 2020. It can be watched as a playlist (above) , which will carry us through the life of Sean O’Casey from childhood through to his last farewell to Dublin. Each contribution can also be enjoyed separately (below) . Join the cast members of the RTE documentary “O’Casey in …

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Sep 18

“Docklands BY Docklanders” – Culture Night 2020 (Available now)

This collection was created for Culture Night 2020 . It can be watched as a playlist (above) , with the pieces appearing in chronological order , from the 18th century to modern day. Each individual contribution can also be enjoyed separately(see links below).   Enjoy a literary tour of the Dublin Docklands . Drawing on …

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Sep 16

Culture Night 2020 : “Docklands BY Docklanders”

Join us on Culture Night for a virtual journey through time and space in the Dublin Docklands. Using extracts from previously published literature which span over two centuries, we will sample the rich tapestry of stories and characters that have given this area its unique flavour. The carefully chosen selection of material range in time …

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Sep 16

Culture Night 2020: “O’Casey in the estate -Ploughing on ”

Culture Night logo

We all watched the two-part documentary “O’Casey in the Estate” on RTE back in July. It followed the plans to stage a production of ‘Plough and the Stars” using a non-professional cast. We all watched the emotional scenes and shared the shock & sadness as the once in a lifetime opportunity to step onto the …

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Sep 06

Sean O’Casey Festival 2020 – full programme available

Political Writings

“All the worlds a stage, and most of us are desperately unrehearsed” So said Sean O’Casey, and there are no more appropriate words to describe this very strange year. But in the grand old theatrical tradition – the show must go on. This year’s annual festival will be very different of course, with COVID-19 restrictions …

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Jul 13

“May your song always be sung” : Sarah Lundberg Summer School 2020


The Sarah Lundberg Summer School 2020 will be an online event , due to COVID-19 restrictions. Each year we remember our friend Sarah (who sadly took her own life in 2014) , when we celebrate her inspirational spirit with an afternoon of talks or performances based on subjects that would have resonated with her and …

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