

Feb 04

East Wall Floods 1954

1954 floods 01

In December of 1954 the areas of East Wall , North Strand and Fairview were severely flooded. This song was written shortly afterwards by Church Road resident Joe O’Grady . It includes details of various events during the flood , and name checks numerous residents . We hope you enjoy it , and please share any memories it brings back to you.


The East Wall floods page 0ne The East Wall floods page 2

We would like to thank David Whittaker for donating the original document above, and to the family of Joe O’Grady for their permission to reproduce his songs.

Newspaper cuttings courtesy St Agatha’s Parish.

1954 floods 02 1954 floods 03

This newsreel footage includes some fantastic images from the area, featuring some very recognisable locations:





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